Come Play with Us
Skeet Shooting is the most popular game at our Club. Originally invented in the USA by a group of hunters to try and become better wing shooters, Skeet has evolved into a Sport with many different facets. While most of our members shoot Skeet on a recreational basis there is also a well organized competitive aspect to the game. The National Skeet Shooting Association, based in San Antonio Texas, is the governing body world wide for this fast paced Sport. All Skeet fields have the same layout. One machine is located to the left in an elevated "High" house and one machine to the right in a 'Low" house. The clay targets are launched as crossing shots in a predetermined sequence. A group of shooters called a squad proceed around the course and attempt targets from 8 different stations. Only one shooter at a time fires at the clays from each station until each person has attempted 25 targets to make a "Round of Skeet". Major competitions are usually 100 targets or 4 rounds. As if this was not hard enough, Skeet features five competitive challenges by using 4 different guns. 12 gauge, 20 gauge, 28 gauge and the tiny .410 bore which only has 1/2 oz. of shot. To top it all off a separate event called Doubles means just that, Targets are presented as simultaneous pairs. Much more info can be found at the NSSA website and of course, YouTube.

Come Play with Us
Skeet Shooting is the most popular game at our Club. Originally invented in the USA by a group of hunters to try and become better wing shooters, Skeet has evolved into a Sport with many different facets. While most of our members shoot Skeet on a recreational basis there is also a well organized competitive aspect to the game. The National Skeet Shooting Association, based in San Antonio Texas, is the governing body world wide for this fast paced Sport. All Skeet fields have the same layout. One machine is located to the left in an elevated "High" house and one machine to the right in a 'Low" house. The clay targets are launched as crossing shots in a predetermined sequence. A group of shooters called a squad proceed around the course and attempt targets from 8 different stations. Only one shooter at a time fires at the clays from each station until each person has attempted 25 targets to make a "Round of Skeet". Major competitions are usually 100 targets or 4 rounds. As if this was not hard enough, Skeet features five competitive challenges by using 4 different guns. 12 gauge, 20 gauge, 28 gauge and the tiny .410 bore which only has 1/2 oz. of shot. To top it all off a separate event called Doubles means just that, Targets are presented as simultaneous pairs. Much more info can be found at the NSSA website and of course, YouTube. For all Skeet inquiries contact Derrick Egan 902-628-5953